
Respiratory Medicine

@ Kelambakkam

The skilled respiratory physicians of the Department of Respiratory Medicine actively participate in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of respiratory conditions in patients, including tuberculosis with a well-established DOTS centre and non-tuberculous diseases like pneumonia, environmental lung diseases, ILD, lung cancer, etc. Obstructive lung disease - bronchial asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis ailments are given focused treatment.


Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of patients with respiratory illnesses like tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, obstructive lung disease, pneumonia, occupational lung diseases, and lung cancer are all actively handled by a skilled team of respiratory physicians.

Regular free camps and community events are arranged by the department as part of a community awareness and development effort to bring medical and specialist care to areas where there are not enough medical facilities.


Our Services

Outpatient Care


Special Clinics Respiratory Medicine

Asthma Clinic


COPD Clinic


Rehabilitation Clinic/

Smoking Cessation

Tuesday & Thursday

DOTS clinic



National Programs

In accordance with the National TB Elimination programme, the department also actively engages in case identification, treatment, and reporting.


Specialized Techniques

The department has skilled personnel and the necessary tools to carry out the following procedures.

  • Spirometry
  • DLCO
  • Bronchoscopy with video assistance (BAL, Biopsy, etc.)
  • Medical thoracoscopy with video assistance
  • ICD insertion, pleurodesis, and pleural-thoracocentesis
  • Testing for allergies by skin prick
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • FeNO
  • Breath CO analyzer
  • Aerosol therapy including Nebulization and Inhalers
  • Sleep study Evaluation & Distraction

Modern facilities provided by the department include sleep studies.

In addition to Video Bronchoscopy, PFT (Spirometry, Vitalograph, Mini Wrights), DLCO, PEFR, Invasive Mechanical Ventilator, Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilator (CPAP and BIPAP), Sleep Lab, and Skin Prick Testing for Allergy Profile, the department is equipped with latest equipment.

Inpatient Care

The 80-bed male and female wards, services from the Respiratory intensive care unit, private rooms, and an isolation ward for TB and MDR patients all offer inpatient care.

Critical Care

A fully equipped Respiratory intensive care unit with invasive and noninvasive ventilators available to take care of patients who need critical care.